We had another OB appt yesterday and had our second anatomy ultrasound after she was a little stubborn at the first one. Of course, she's still a girl and she was a good little girl and let the tech see all our her little organs and bones. The Dr said she looked great, extremely healthy and weighs 14 oz.. (almost a pound)...
We've been working hard to get the nursery all set up. With the exception of curtains and wall art, it's ready for our little snuggle bunny.. We've posted pictures for you to see. :)
Scott had a long talk with her yesterday before the appointment letting her know that if she was a good little girl and let the tech see all that she needed that he would buy her something (already spoiling his little girl) so when we got home last night he bought her an awesome "gentle giraffe" stuffed animal that has four different sounds including the mommy's sound..